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I am always mind blown by the lack of care or concern people have for their tattoos. I take pride in what is on my body because its now a part of me.

I would hope you too, would have the same care and consideration for what is on your body. I am always exhausted after my sessions and generally all I will want to do is eat and go to sleep to recover.

The first time I did this, I learned the hard way that preparing your bed for sleeping with a new tattoo is essential. I woke up to sheets covered in tattoo stains from the fluids on the area.

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Ex: If you have a tattoo on your back you are going to need to sleep on your stomach for a couple days. Over the next couple of days as your tattoo is healing it will go through a couple of phases.

16.01.2020 – Most tailors understand the issue and can readily mod your clothes. Well put together stuff Robert. That should work out for you.

At first it will look very shiny and as it transitions into the second phase it will begin to look more dull. With this transition you will start to see scabbing, this is normal as the tattoo is completing the healing process.

I cant emphasize this enough, I know it is something that you want to do but understand that by picking at your scabs you are potentially removing color from your tattoo.

Ask me how I know this….

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There was a small spot on my arm that was being a real pain in my ass as it was healing. I was not as well versed with tattoo healing so I figured I would get rid of this scab that had been bothering me.

The tattoo never really healed correctly in that spot and ended up having a loss in color in that spot. Do not touch it and it will retain the color that was meant to be there.

Most tattoo artists offer one touch up for their clients because mistakes like this do happen. If you happen to scratch at a spot and remove a scab and the color is not as good as it could be use this session and get your artist to correct it.

Remember in the depths of your mind, that your tattoo needs to breath. This is how it progress through the healing stages. Some people tend to think that rebandaging their tattoo and wearing clothing that can rub on the tattoo is a good alternative to not wearing loose clothing.

Okay, no worries.

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Everyone has their responsibilities that can interrupt a tattoos healing process. I would probably place a loose bandage over the area that needs to be covered.

Keep it in your mind that you are healing and that you dont want to have alot of irritation on the area. As soon as you are able to, I would remove the bandage and clean the area.

From there I would change into something that is more loose fitting.

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It matters a lot more than people realize, sun exposure is one of the biggest destroyers of new tattoos. Exposing a new tattoo to the sun will cause all sorts of problems such as scaring, lightening of the art, and uneven healing.

If you work outside it is essential to listen to the tatttoo dress code and cover the area with loose clothing and you may consider applying a sterile non stick bandage to prevent irritation if your work is intensive.

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This is a topic I went back and forth on quite a bit when I first started getting tattoos. The thing is, the gym is a filthy place that is generally covered in sweat and germs.

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I would go the day of, but I will generally workout before and spend time after getting tattooed cleaning the area and resting due to the leaking bodily fluids.

The next day I go and lift and I have never had any problems, but I am very careful. A couple of precautions I take include:. Once I get home I get in the shower and clean the tattoo with my preferred anti bacterial soap and reapply my ointment.

I am not saying this will work for you but this is what I do to not have any problems. Although this is the last thing I will be covering I think it is the most important and most overlooked.

I always laugh to myself when I see people going and getting tattoos from awful artists in their home or garage.

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By all means if thats what your into go for it. Can you sense one of my pet peeves? I think this is a bad idea for a number of reasons but getting an infection is one of them.

Get your tattoo in a sterile environment. Walking into the shop you should immediately be able to tell if the shop is clean and professional. To me these are signs of professionalism.

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I am not a doctor, this is merely my own knowledge that I am providing for informational purposes. If you are extremely concerned about your tattoo being infected contact a doctor immediately.

Your artist at this point cannot help you because you are responsible for healing your own body.

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Infections can turn ugly quickly so be prompt in your actions and get on some antibiotics or whatever your doctor recommends. Take into consideration all 8 of these things and you will be set to go through the tattoo healing process like a pro!

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Home New? Congratulations and welcome to the the tattooed life. The tattoo is on you forever This is actually common sense.

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Sleep preparation is essential I am always exhausted after my sessions and generally all I will want to do is eat and go to sleep to recover.

Ask me how I know this… There was a small spot on my arm that was being a real pain in my ass as it was healing.

Pro Tip: Most tattoo artists offer one touch up for their clients because mistakes like this do happen.

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The Tattoo Dress Code What? A dress code?? Yeah… What you wear with a new tattoo matters.

Create an account. Victory Sundays. Dress shirt too tight around chest tattoo Is 5 something a tailor can fix?

This means that for the ladies: No tights or yoga pants with leg tattoos No shoes for foot tattoos go shoeless No sports bras for tattoos around your torso For the guys: No skin tight under armor like clothing No clothing that could potentially rub on the tattoo dress shirts This is just to name a few so you get the picture.

From there I would change into something that is more loose fitting 5. Sun Care Matters It matters a lot more than people realize, sun exposure is one of the biggest destroyers of new tattoos.

And I do usually roll up my sleeves, but for the purpose of this article, I left the sleeves down to show where the sleeves should end ;. Taking a picture, sending it to my e-mail and waiting for a reply would take much more time. Dress shirt too tight around chest tattoo All rights reserved.

What about Tanning Beds? Working Out with a New Tattoo This is a topic I went back and forth on quite a bit when I first started getting tattoos.

A couple of precautions I take include: Cleaning the tattoo before going out and applying the ointment.

Dress shirt too tight around chest tattoo

Bringing a towel to the gym to lay down on to protect the tattoo. Cleaning the equipment before and after use. Infections and Your Tattoo Although this is the last thing I will be covering I think it is the most important and most overlooked.

I always laugh to myself when I see people going and getting tattoos from awful artists in their home or garage. what is a sheath silhouette wedding dress for women Thank you for the great comment.

If you are going to put something onto your body for the rest of your life. But hey, if not you probably saved a few bucks right? How do I tell if my tattoo is infected?

You can tell your tattoo is infected if: There is a red haze around the tattoo There is excessive scabbing on your tattoo There are indentations on your tattoo There is puss coming out of the tattoo The area is swollen and hot to the touch If you are extremely concerned about your tattoo being infected contact a doctor immediately.

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Till next time.